The time to prepare for a disaster is well in advance, not the day or just a few days before. Let’s discuss some simple, yet practical, steps that you can take to make sure your family is ready.
For starters, get your go bags ready! If you look online, you will find an endless amount of items you can get for your bags. Instead of being intimidated by that, though, start with some basic essentials. You can always add more later. Imagine that you have to leave your home in a hurry and may lose your house. What do you need to survive a few days or will absolutely need later? Some essentials are: a change of clothing, a first aid kit, a flashlight, food, water, some cash, and copies of important documents. These documents include birth certificates, marriage licenses, deeds to your home, car titles, insurance information, and copies of credit cards, driver’s licenses, and passports.
Having a generator for your home is a very smart idea. If you have to hunker down at home and wait out a storm, a generator will give you power to keep some lights and heat on and water running. Also, have nonperishable food and water to last a few days.